Lição 01
“Criou Deus, pois o homem à sua imagem, a imagem de Deus o criou, homem e mulher os criou. E Deus os abençoou, e lhes disse: sede fecundos, multiplicai-vos, enchei a terra e sujeitai-a; dominai sobre os peixes do mar, sobre as aves dos céus e sobre todo animal que rasteja pela terra” (Gn. 1:27-28).
I – A CRIAÇÃO (Gn. 1 e 2)
1 – Deus criou o homem e a mulher à Sua imagem e semelhança para ter comunhão com eles, o objetivo era estabelecer uma família (Gn. 1:26:28, I Co 1. 1:9).
2 – Deus deu ao homem autoridade sobre a terra e ordenou:
2.1 – multiplicai-vos: o crescimento numérico e qualitativo estava determinado por Deus (Gn. 1:28);
2.2 – enchei a terra e sujeitai-a: deu ao homem um desafio de expansão e conquista em toda a terra. Esta conquista seria a partir do Éden. (Gn. 2:8);
2.3 – dominai... deu ao homem autoridade para através dele estender o Seu Reino sobre toda sua criação. A família seria a base desse domínio (Gn. 2: 18-24).
II – O LIVRE ARBÍTRIO (Gn. 2:15-17)
1 – Deus estabeleceu o homem no Éden para cultivá-lo e guardá-lo. Guardá-lo de quê? Do inimigo! Deus permitiria que o homem fosse tentado por Satanás.
2 o homem tinha acesso ao bem e ao mal, pois sem isto não haveria uma escolha espontânea por obedecer a Deus (livre arbítrio).
3 – Deus estabeleceu limites para o homem esperando que ele obedecesse Sua ordem voluntariamente.
III – A QUEDA (Gn. 3:1-7)
1 – Adão e Eva foram tentados por Satanás a cederem à cobiça dos olhos e ao desejo de conhecer algo que lhes fora vetado por Deus.
2 – A cobiça cegou seus olhos e eles foram enganados por Satanás.
3 – através da desobediência, a semente da rebelião entrou no coração do homem.
Conseqüência da queda:
4.1 – condenação, sentimento de culpa e medo(Gn. 3:8-10);
4.2 – quebra do relacionamento com Deus (Gn. 3:8);
4.3 – conflitos no lar. O homem passou a acusar a mulher (Gn. 3:12);
4.4 – a terra foi amaldiçoada e o homem passou a ser sujeito à morte física (Gn. 3:17-19)
4.5 – o Diabo passou a oprimir o homem, que tornou-se escravo do pecado sujeito à enfermidades, angústias, sofrimentos etc. (Rm. 5:12)
Primeiramente salvar é livrá-lo da morte. A morte física é apenas um reflexo da verdadeira morte: a morte espiritual. Ela simplesmente quer dizer separação total de Deus. Deus nos destinou à vida eterna (Jo. 3:36). Ser salvo é retornar a posição original em que Deus criou o homem. É voltar a ter vida diferente da vida que vivíamos no mundo (Jo. 10:10b).
2.1 – ARREPENDER-SE (Mc. 1:14-15) – Deus ordenou que o homem se arrependa. No texto de At. 17:30, lemos: “Ora, não levou Deus em conta os tempos de ignorância; agora porém, notifica aos homens que todos em toda a parte se arrependam”. Arrependam-se é a tradução do verbo grego “Metaneõ”, que significa literalmente “ter outra mente” e é usado no Novo Testamento para indicar uma mudança de mente de forma tríplice:
2.1.1 – mudança de mente para com o pecado (Rm. 6:21-23);
2.1.2 – mudança de mente para com Deus (Ef. 3:14-19; I Cor. 2:15-16);
2.1.3 – mudança de mente para com o mundo (I Jo. 2:15-17).
Deus ordena que o homem se arrependa. O arrependimento verdadeiro envolve:
O intelecto – reconhecer nossa situação de pecadores, separados de Deus (Rm. 3:23);
As emoções – entristecer-nos devido a esta situação, ter uma atitude de contrição de coração que nos leve a uma mudança de atitude (Lc. 18:13; 22:62);
A vontade – decidir por uma mudança de vida (Mt. 3:8 e Lc. 3:7-14).
2.2 – Confessar os pecados (I Jo. 1:8-9) – a confissão a Deus é essencial para que sejamos perdoados (Pv. 28-13);
2.3 – Crer em Jesus e recebê-lo como SENHOR (Jo. 1:12) – a salvação vem por meio da fé que Jesus morreu a nossa morte e ressuscitou para nos dar uma nova vida, levando sobre si todas as nossas maldições e libertando-nos dos pecados (Is. 53 e I Pd. 2:24). Esta é a experiência do novo nascimento (Jo. 3:3-8);
Ø Memorize: “Se com a tua boca confessares a Jesus como Senhor e em teu coração creres que Deus o ressuscitou dentre os mortos, serás salvo. Pois com o coração se crê para a justiça e com a boca se faz confissão para salvação” (Rm. 10:9-10).
2.4 – Ser batizado (Mc. 16:16) – veremos sobre o batismo na lição específica, mas, apenas para relembrar, o batismo foi ordenado por Jesus. É um mandamento, não uma opção.
Deus não permitiria que seu propósito fosse frustrado. Devido à queda, o homem tornou-se sujeito a punição da lei, perdendo a cobertura e proteção divinas. No entanto, Deus tinha um plano para resgatar o homem e cumprir o seu propósito. Quando o homem aceita este plano redentivo, passa a usufruir de todos os seus benefícios, que são:
1 – liberação da morte eterna, do inferno, sendo levados de volta à comunhão com Deus, recebendo vida eterna (Rm. 5:1,2);
2 – perdão de todos os nossos pecados (I Jo. 1:9);
3 – liberação do poder do diabo (Cl. 1:13);
4 – paz com Deus (Rm. 5:1);
5 – tornar-se filho de Deus (Jo. 1:12).
Ø Memorize: “Porque Deus amou o mundo de tal maneira que deu o seu filho unigênito, para que todo aquele que nele crê não pereça, mas tenha vida eterna” (Jo. 3:16).
POR: Cleber Renato da Silva
Nota em inglês:
Lesson 01
He/she/you " created God, because the man to your image, the image of God created him/it, man and woman created them. And God blessed them, and he told them: fertile thirst, multiply, fill the earth and subject her; dominate on the fish of the sea, on the birds of the skies and on all animal that crawls for the earth " (Gn. 1:27-28).
1 - God created the man and the woman to Your image and likeness to have communion with them, the objective was to establish a family (Gn. 1:26:28, I Co 1. 1:9).
2 - God gave to the man authority on the earth and it ordered:
2.1 - you multiply: the numeric and qualitative growth was determined by God (Gn. 1:28);
2.2 - you fill the earth and subject her: he/she gave to the man an expansion challenge and it conquers in the whole earth. This conquest would be starting from Éden. (Gn. 2:8);
2.3 - you dominate... he/she gave to the man authority for through him to extend Your Kingdom about all your creation. The family would be the base of that domain (Gn. 2: 18-24).
II - THE FREE WILL (GN. 2:15-17)
1 - God established the man in Éden to cultivate it and to keep him/it. To keep him/it of something? Of the enemy! God would allow the man to be tried by Satan.
2 the man had access to the good and the evil, because without this there would not be a spontaneous choice for obeying God (free will).
3 - God established limits for the man hoping he obeyed Your order voluntarily.
III - THE FALL (GN. 3:1-7)
1 - Adam and Eva were tried by Satan they give up it to the greed of the eyes and the desire of knowing something that had been vetoed them by God.
2 - the greed blinded your eyes and they were wrong for Satan.
3 - through the disobedience, the seed of the rebellion entered in the man's heart.
Consequence of the fall:
4.1 - condemnation, blame feeling and fear (Gn. 3:8-10);
4.2 - it breaks of the relationship with God (Gn. 3:8);
4.3 - conflicts in the home. The man started to accuse the woman (Gn. 3:12);
4.4 - the earth was cursed and the man became subject to the physical death (Gn. 3:17-19)
4.5 - the Devil started to oppress the man, that became slave of the sin subject to illnesses, anguishes, sufferings etc. (Rm. 5:12)
Firstly to save is to liberate him/it of the death. The physical death is just a reflex of the true death: the spiritual death. She simply wants to say total separation of God. God destined us to the eternal life (Jô. 3:36). to Be safe is the original position to come back in that God created the man. It is have life different from the life that we lived in the world again (Jô. 10:10b).
2.1 - to BE SORRY (Mc. 1:14-15) - God ordered that the man is sorry. In the text of Attn: 17:30, we read: " Now, it didn't take God into account the times of ignorance; now however, it notifies the men that all in the whole part if they are sorry ". they are Sorry it is the translation of the Greek " verb Metaneõ ", that means literally " to have another mind " and it is used in the New Testament to indicate a change of mind of form triple:
2.1.1 - mind change to the sin (Rm. 6:21-23);
2.1.2 - mind change to God (Ef. 3:14-19; I Cor. 2:15-16);
2.1.3 - mind change to the world (I Jô. 2:15-17).
God orders that the man is sorry. The true regret involves:
The intellect - to recognize our situation of sinners, separate from God (Rm. 3:23);
The emotions - to become sad due to this situation, to have an attitude of heart contrition that us light the an attitude change (Lc. 18:13; 22:62);
The will - to decide for a life change (Mt. 3:8 and Lc. 3:7-14).
2.2 - to admit the sins (I Jô. 1:8-9) - the confession to God is essential so that we are forgiven (Pv. 28-13);
2.3 - to have faith in Jesus and to receive him/it as GENTLEMAN (Jô. 1:12) - the salvation comes through the faith that Jesus died our death and he resurrected to give us a new life, taking on itself all our curses and freeing us of the sins (I. 53 and I Pd. 2:24). this is the experience of the new birth (Jô. 3:3-8);
¢Memorizes: " If with your mouth you admit to Jesus as Mister and in your heart you believe that God resuscitated him/it among the deads, you will be safe. Because with the heart it has faith her for the justice and with the mouth it is made confession for salvation " (Rm. 10:9-10).
2.4 - to be baptized (Mc. 16:16) - we will see about the baptism in the specific lesson, but, just to recollect, the baptism was ordered by Jesus. It is a commandment, not an option.
God would not allow your purpose to be frustrated. Due to the fall, the man became I subject the punishment of the law, losing the covering and divine protection. However, God had a plan to rescue the man and to accomplish your purpose. When the man accepts this I glide redemption, the to use of all your benefits, that are passes:
1 - liberation of the eternal death, of the hell, being mischievous of turn to the communion with God, receiving eternal life (Rm. 5:1,2);
2 - pardon of all our sins (I Jô. 1:9);
3 - liberation of the devil's power (Cl. 1:13);
4 - peace with God (Rm. 5:1);
5 - to become son of God (Jô. 1:12).
Memorizes: " Because God loved the world in such a way that gave your son only, so that all that that has faith in him doesn't perish, but he has eternal " life (Jô. 3:16).
Lesson 01
He/she/you " created God, because the man to your image, the image of God created him/it, man and woman created them. And God blessed them, and he told them: fertile thirst, multiply, fill the earth and subject her; dominate on the fish of the sea, on the birds of the skies and on all animal that crawls for the earth " (Gn. 1:27-28).
1 - God created the man and the woman to Your image and likeness to have communion with them, the objective was to establish a family (Gn. 1:26:28, I Co 1. 1:9).
2 - God gave to the man authority on the earth and it ordered:
2.1 - you multiply: the numeric and qualitative growth was determined by God (Gn. 1:28);
2.2 - you fill the earth and subject her: he/she gave to the man an expansion challenge and it conquers in the whole earth. This conquest would be starting from Éden. (Gn. 2:8);
2.3 - you dominate... he/she gave to the man authority for through him to extend Your Kingdom about all your creation. The family would be the base of that domain (Gn. 2: 18-24).
II - THE FREE WILL (GN. 2:15-17)
1 - God established the man in Éden to cultivate it and to keep him/it. To keep him/it of something? Of the enemy! God would allow the man to be tried by Satan.
2 the man had access to the good and the evil, because without this there would not be a spontaneous choice for obeying God (free will).
3 - God established limits for the man hoping he obeyed Your order voluntarily.
III - THE FALL (GN. 3:1-7)
1 - Adam and Eva were tried by Satan they give up it to the greed of the eyes and the desire of knowing something that had been vetoed them by God.
2 - the greed blinded your eyes and they were wrong for Satan.
3 - through the disobedience, the seed of the rebellion entered in the man's heart.
Consequence of the fall:
4.1 - condemnation, blame feeling and fear (Gn. 3:8-10);
4.2 - it breaks of the relationship with God (Gn. 3:8);
4.3 - conflicts in the home. The man started to accuse the woman (Gn. 3:12);
4.4 - the earth was cursed and the man became subject to the physical death (Gn. 3:17-19)
4.5 - the Devil started to oppress the man, that became slave of the sin subject to illnesses, anguishes, sufferings etc. (Rm. 5:12)
Firstly to save is to liberate him/it of the death. The physical death is just a reflex of the true death: the spiritual death. She simply wants to say total separation of God. God destined us to the eternal life (Jô. 3:36). to Be safe is the original position to come back in that God created the man. It is have life different from the life that we lived in the world again (Jô. 10:10b).
2.1 - to BE SORRY (Mc. 1:14-15) - God ordered that the man is sorry. In the text of Attn: 17:30, we read: " Now, it didn't take God into account the times of ignorance; now however, it notifies the men that all in the whole part if they are sorry ". they are Sorry it is the translation of the Greek " verb Metaneõ ", that means literally " to have another mind " and it is used in the New Testament to indicate a change of mind of form triple:
2.1.1 - mind change to the sin (Rm. 6:21-23);
2.1.2 - mind change to God (Ef. 3:14-19; I Cor. 2:15-16);
2.1.3 - mind change to the world (I Jô. 2:15-17).
God orders that the man is sorry. The true regret involves:
The intellect - to recognize our situation of sinners, separate from God (Rm. 3:23);
The emotions - to become sad due to this situation, to have an attitude of heart contrition that us light the an attitude change (Lc. 18:13; 22:62);
The will - to decide for a life change (Mt. 3:8 and Lc. 3:7-14).
2.2 - to admit the sins (I Jô. 1:8-9) - the confession to God is essential so that we are forgiven (Pv. 28-13);
2.3 - to have faith in Jesus and to receive him/it as GENTLEMAN (Jô. 1:12) - the salvation comes through the faith that Jesus died our death and he resurrected to give us a new life, taking on itself all our curses and freeing us of the sins (I. 53 and I Pd. 2:24). this is the experience of the new birth (Jô. 3:3-8);
¢Memorizes: " If with your mouth you admit to Jesus as Mister and in your heart you believe that God resuscitated him/it among the deads, you will be safe. Because with the heart it has faith her for the justice and with the mouth it is made confession for salvation " (Rm. 10:9-10).
2.4 - to be baptized (Mc. 16:16) - we will see about the baptism in the specific lesson, but, just to recollect, the baptism was ordered by Jesus. It is a commandment, not an option.
God would not allow your purpose to be frustrated. Due to the fall, the man became I subject the punishment of the law, losing the covering and divine protection. However, God had a plan to rescue the man and to accomplish your purpose. When the man accepts this I glide redemption, the to use of all your benefits, that are passes:
1 - liberation of the eternal death, of the hell, being mischievous of turn to the communion with God, receiving eternal life (Rm. 5:1,2);
2 - pardon of all our sins (I Jô. 1:9);
3 - liberation of the devil's power (Cl. 1:13);
4 - peace with God (Rm. 5:1);
5 - to become son of God (Jô. 1:12).
Memorizes: " Because God loved the world in such a way that gave your son only, so that all that that has faith in him doesn't perish, but he has eternal " life (Jô. 3:16).
For: Cleber Renato
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