Fazendo Missões Cheio do Espírito Santo
Resumo: Baseado na vida de Estevão, um personagem bíblico, neste estudo compreenderemos algumas características que fizeram de Estevão um homem Cheio do Espírito Santo apto para fazer missões
Texto: “E Estevão, cheio de fé e de poder, fazia prodígios e grandes sinas entre o povo.” At 6.7
O desejo de servir a Cristo nos envolve completamente quando sinceramente buscamos fazer a Sua vontade. Dedicação, integridade e o amor é tudo que podemos oferecer quando Cristo nos impõe um importante negócio diante a Sua obra. Estevão é um exemplo de um servo fiel em que suas qualidades e características reflete uma vida cheia do Espírito Santo.
Diante de uma grande necessidade que surgiu na igreja de organização na distribuição diária de mantimentos para as viúvas, os doze apóstolos sugeriu com orientação de Deus escolher sete varões de boa reputação, cheios do Espírito e de sabedoria, aos quais deveriam ser encarregados para este serviço. Dentre os sete, Estevão era um deles que logo com sua dedicação destacou-se entre os demais.
Por mais que Estevão tinha o cargo de diácono, ele também cooperou na proclamação do evangelho, sua vida foi uma vida de testemunho, ainda que isto custou muito caro, porém a ousadia em anunciar a Palavra de Deus é marcada pelo seu ministério missionário (pois missão envolve proclamação da verdade custe o que custar).
As características de Estevão que o qualificavam para a obra, deve ter uma atenção especial, principalmente para os que exercem alguma atividade na igreja do Senhor, como os missionários que estão prontos a morrerem em prol da Obra; verificamos algumas dessas característica:
Ø Boa Reputação – certamente Estevão tinha uma vida de bom testemunho, suas atitudes o qualificava para isso, Jesus instrui seus seguidores que devemos ser “sal da terra, e se o sal for insípido para nada mais presta a não ser para jogar fora e ser pisado pelos homens”. Muitos hoje estão sendo pisados pelos homens com seus maus testemunhos que levam consigo, conformam plenamente com o mundo e suas concupiscências e resultam numa vida de fracasso espiritual. A boa reputação é um princípio de um bom testemunho que devemos ter, então pratiquemo-la para que Cristo seja Glorificado em nós.
Ø Sabedoria – ninguém podia resistir ou descordar aquilo que Estevão falava (At 6.10). devemos nos portar de modo sábio, pois quem ganha almas sábio é, se por ventura não temos sabedoria é só pedirmos a Deus e Ele nos concede. A sabedoria é fundamental pois: “antes, santificai a Cristo, como Senhor, em vosso coração, e estai sempre preparados para responder com mansidão e temor a qualquer que vos pedir a razão da esperança que há em vós” I Pe 3.15.
Ø Cheio de Fé e Poder – Estevão possuía autoridade de Deus, autoridade alcançada por sua vida de dedicação e fé. Se depositarmos a fé em Cristo e crer consequentemente: “estes sinais seguirão aos que crerem: em meu nome expulsarão demônios, falarão novas línguas, pegarão nas serpentes, e se beberem alguma coisa mortífera, não lhes fará dano algum, e imporão as mãos sobre os enfermos e os curarão. É preciso ter fé...
Ø Seu rosto refletia a glória de Deus – isto significa que Estevão refletia sobre sua vida a Glória de Deus, Estevão era um homem portado na verdade de Cristo que o justificava mediante acusações, também devemos refletir esta glória no intuído de resplandecermos como astros neste mundo de trevas e imoralidade. “mais todos nós, com cara descoberta, refletindo, como um espelho a glória do Senhor, somos transformado de glória em glória, na mesma imagem, como pelo Espírito do Senhor”. II Co 3.18.
Ø Não negou a fé – em Mt 10.28, lemos: “e não temais os que matam o corpo e não podem matar a alma; antes temei aquele que pode fazer perecer no inferno a alma e o corpo”. Estevão não negou a fé até sua morte, mesmo sendo apedrejado por seus acusadores, ele os amou e anunciou a Cristo até seu fim. Não devemos negar a Cristo jamais, custe o que custar. Seja com nossas atitudes não podemos negar a fé, temos a esperança que Deus nos retribuirá sua recompensa aos que permanecerem fiéis a Ele. A perseverança é chave e o segredo de uma vida de sucesso espiritual, portanto meu querido irmão se você está passando por dificuldades, se as pessoas estão te apedrejando, lembre-se o que Estevão passou sem murmuração algo muito pior e amou sues opositores. Deus ele te ajudará, persevera até o fim e será salvo.
Através de sua morte Estevão considerado o primeiro mártir cristão, Deus abriu as portas do evangelho em outras regiões pela perseguição (At 8.1) plano de Deus para salvação dos gentios, que maravilha pois Deus sabe trabalhar...
Autor: Cleber Renato da Silva
Nota em inglês:
Summary: Based on Estevão's life, a biblical character, in this study will understand some characteristics that did a man of Estevão full of the Spirit capable Saint to do missions
Text: “And Estevão, full of faith and of being able to, he made prodigies and great signs among the people.” Attn 6.7
The desire to serve Christ involves us completely when sincerely we looked for to do Your will. Dedication, integrity and the love is everything that we can offer when Christ imposes us before an important business Your work. Estevão is an example of a faithful servant in that your qualities and characteristics reflect a life full of the Holy Spirit.
Due to a great need that appeared at the organization church in the daily distribution of groceries for the widows, the twelve apostles suggested with orientation of God to choose seven males of good reputation, full of the Spirit and of wisdom, to the which should be entrusted for this service. Among the seven, Estevão belonged one to them that soon with your dedication he stood out among the others.
No matter how much Estevão had deacon's position, he also cooperated in the proclamation of the Gospel, your life was a testimony life, although this cost very expensive, however the daring in announcing the Word of God is marked by your missionary ministry (because mission involves proclamation of the truth it costs what to cost).
Estevão's characteristics that qualified him for the work, he should have a special attention, mainly for the ones that they exercise some activity in the church of the Mister, as the missionaries that are ready they die her on behalf of the Work; we verified some of those characteristic:
Good Reputation–certainly Estevão had a life of good testimony, your attitudes qualified him for that, Jesus instructed your followers that we should be “salt of the earth, and if the salt is insipid for swifter to not to be to play out and to be stepped by the men”. Many today are being stepped by the men with your bad testimonies that take with itself, they conform fully with the world and your concupiscences and they result in a life of spiritual failure. The good reputation is then a beginning of a good testimony that we should have, let us practice her for Christ it is Glorified in us.
Wisdom–nobody could resist or not to agreer that that Estevão spoke (Attn 6.10). we should behave in a wise way, because who wins souls wise person is, if for luck we don't have wisdom it is we only ask God and Him it grants us. The wisdom is fundamental because: “before, sanctify Christ, as Mister, in your heart, and be always prepared to answer with meekness and fear the any that to ask you the reason of the hope that there are in you” I Foot 3.15.
full of Faith and Power–Estevão possessed authority of God, authority reached by your dedication life and faith. If we deposit the faith in Christ and to have faith consequently: “these signs will proceed to the that have faith: in my name they will expel demons, they will speak new languages, they will diffuse in the serpents, and if they drink some deadly thing, hewon't make them damage some, and they will impose the hands on the patients and they will cure them. It is necessary to have faith...
Your face reflected the glory of God–this means that Estevão contemplated about your life the Glory of God, Estevão was a man carried actually of Christ that justified him by accusations, we should also reflect this glory in sensed him of we shine as stars in this world of darkness and immorality. “more all of us, with dear discovery, contemplating, as a mirror the glory of the Mister, we are transformed of glory in glory, in the same image, as for the Spirit of the Mister”. II Co 3.18.
didn't deny the faith–in Mt 10.28, we read: “and you don't fear yourselves that they kill the body and they cannot kill the soul; before fear that that can do perish in the hell the soul and the body”. Estevão didn't deny the faith until your death, same being stoned by your accusers, he loved them and he announced to Christ until your end. We should not never deny Christ, cost what to cost. Be with our attitudes we cannot deny the faith, we have the hope that God will retribute us your reward to the that followers stay to Him. The perseverance is key and the secret of a life of spiritual success, therefore my dear brother if you are going by difficulties, if the people are you stoning, remember that Estevão passed very worse without murmuring something and he loved you sweat opponents. God he will help you, heperseveres until the end and it will be safe.
Through your death considered Estevão the first Christian martyr, God opened the doors of the Gospel in other areas for the persecution (Attn 8.1) I glide of God for the heathens' salvation, that amazes because God knows how to work...
Author: Cleber Renato da Silva
Text: “And Estevão, full of faith and of being able to, he made prodigies and great signs among the people.” Attn 6.7
The desire to serve Christ involves us completely when sincerely we looked for to do Your will. Dedication, integrity and the love is everything that we can offer when Christ imposes us before an important business Your work. Estevão is an example of a faithful servant in that your qualities and characteristics reflect a life full of the Holy Spirit.
Due to a great need that appeared at the organization church in the daily distribution of groceries for the widows, the twelve apostles suggested with orientation of God to choose seven males of good reputation, full of the Spirit and of wisdom, to the which should be entrusted for this service. Among the seven, Estevão belonged one to them that soon with your dedication he stood out among the others.
No matter how much Estevão had deacon's position, he also cooperated in the proclamation of the Gospel, your life was a testimony life, although this cost very expensive, however the daring in announcing the Word of God is marked by your missionary ministry (because mission involves proclamation of the truth it costs what to cost).
Estevão's characteristics that qualified him for the work, he should have a special attention, mainly for the ones that they exercise some activity in the church of the Mister, as the missionaries that are ready they die her on behalf of the Work; we verified some of those characteristic:
Good Reputation–certainly Estevão had a life of good testimony, your attitudes qualified him for that, Jesus instructed your followers that we should be “salt of the earth, and if the salt is insipid for swifter to not to be to play out and to be stepped by the men”. Many today are being stepped by the men with your bad testimonies that take with itself, they conform fully with the world and your concupiscences and they result in a life of spiritual failure. The good reputation is then a beginning of a good testimony that we should have, let us practice her for Christ it is Glorified in us.
Wisdom–nobody could resist or not to agreer that that Estevão spoke (Attn 6.10). we should behave in a wise way, because who wins souls wise person is, if for luck we don't have wisdom it is we only ask God and Him it grants us. The wisdom is fundamental because: “before, sanctify Christ, as Mister, in your heart, and be always prepared to answer with meekness and fear the any that to ask you the reason of the hope that there are in you” I Foot 3.15.
full of Faith and Power–Estevão possessed authority of God, authority reached by your dedication life and faith. If we deposit the faith in Christ and to have faith consequently: “these signs will proceed to the that have faith: in my name they will expel demons, they will speak new languages, they will diffuse in the serpents, and if they drink some deadly thing, hewon't make them damage some, and they will impose the hands on the patients and they will cure them. It is necessary to have faith...
Your face reflected the glory of God–this means that Estevão contemplated about your life the Glory of God, Estevão was a man carried actually of Christ that justified him by accusations, we should also reflect this glory in sensed him of we shine as stars in this world of darkness and immorality. “more all of us, with dear discovery, contemplating, as a mirror the glory of the Mister, we are transformed of glory in glory, in the same image, as for the Spirit of the Mister”. II Co 3.18.
didn't deny the faith–in Mt 10.28, we read: “and you don't fear yourselves that they kill the body and they cannot kill the soul; before fear that that can do perish in the hell the soul and the body”. Estevão didn't deny the faith until your death, same being stoned by your accusers, he loved them and he announced to Christ until your end. We should not never deny Christ, cost what to cost. Be with our attitudes we cannot deny the faith, we have the hope that God will retribute us your reward to the that followers stay to Him. The perseverance is key and the secret of a life of spiritual success, therefore my dear brother if you are going by difficulties, if the people are you stoning, remember that Estevão passed very worse without murmuring something and he loved you sweat opponents. God he will help you, heperseveres until the end and it will be safe.
Through your death considered Estevão the first Christian martyr, God opened the doors of the Gospel in other areas for the persecution (Attn 8.1) I glide of God for the heathens' salvation, that amazes because God knows how to work...
Author: Cleber Renato da Silva
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